“Richard Davis decided to volunteer for Dennis Heyman at CWC, and since he likes building things, he asked what he could build. “Squirrel boxes!” was the reply, and about 20 of them were what was needed. Squirrel boxes are used for returning squirrels to their environment after a rehab stay at CWC, giving the young animals a place to stay until they are secure enough to go out into their environment on their own. Boxes are placed in the area where the squirrel was found, and once the squirrel leaves, the idea is to return the box to CWC to use again. Folks tend to forget to return the boxes, however, so Richard and Dennis talked about how to put some CWC identification on the boxes. It’s taken Richard about a year to get the boxes all built, and they will be delivered just in time for peak baby squirrel season.
While doing a laser-cutting job at Lasers Over Los Angeles, Richard asked the owner, Tony Castillo, if he could laser cut the CWC information on the wooden boxes. “Easy!” was Tony’s reply, and once Richard brought him the wooden sides he was able to knock out the job in a couple of days, volunteering his time and effort. Turns out, Tony knows CWC well and loves the mission, and had his own experience with wildlife rehab. He found a sick mouse in his lab, and was determined to help it. He contacted CWC, and drove the animal from Downtown LA (where his shop is) out to CWC to make sure the little guy got help. Tony was really impressed with CWC, and was only too pleased to help out with creating the boxes.”
Written by Marianne Davis
Marianne White Davis has been involved with wildlife as long as she can remember. Growing up, she was scuba diving off of Catalina, watching her mom tame blue jays, and started backpacking in college. Both Davises are now on the Board of the San Fernando Valley Audubon Society, and believe in conservation. The Davis Family has 3 young adults, and having skin in the game makes us both keen on saving the planet.
Marianne Davis and Richard Davis
Richard Davis
Tony Castillo, Lasers Over Los Angeles