California Wildlife Center responds to beached pygmy sperm whale

On 7:30am, January 18, 2019, California Wildlife Center’s marine mammal department received a call that a pygmy sperm whale had stranded at Zuma Beach in Malibu. Michael Remski, the Marine Mammal Program Manager and a team of volunteers attempted to return the whale to the ocean, but she made her way back to shore and restranded.

The whale was an adult female and the initial physical exam revealed that she was in good body condition, indicating that she stranded as a result of an internal issue. The whale had bilateral conjunctivitis or eye infections in both eyes, which caused her blindness.  She had abrasions on her body and a chronic wound on the right side just cranial to her fluke.  She also had bloody discharge.

California Wildlife Center’s veterinarian, Dr. Stephany Lewis consulted with veterinarians at Sea World, San Diego and officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration who recommended euthanasia. This species of whale does not do well in long-term rehabilitation or captivity and was not likely to survive transport to San Diego for treatment.

According to Dr. Lewis, “these animals don’t strand without reason. The strand because they have some severe systemic illness which we can’t typically appreciate during the initial physical exam.”

Dr. Lewis humanely euthanized the whale with intravenous anesthetic drugs for a painless passing. The whale will be transported to the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County for further study.

Innovative Treatment Options for California Sea Lions with Eye Injuries

The Sea Lions were sedated for the procedure. Photo by Heather Henderson

by Dr. Stephany Lewis, DVM, Veterinarian

This summer, CWC’s marine mammal team received several California sea lions with eye trauma, a common injury, and it is not uncommon for us to treat several pinnipeds with corneal ulcers and other corneal injuries. Therapy includes topical antibiotics (applied directly to the eye) and, occasionally, oral antibiotics and analgesics.

As you might imagine, our pinniped patients get large and “ornery” rather quickly, so applying topical medications to their eyes every day, multiple times per day, becomes quite challenging! To help alleviate our patients’ stress (and the stress of our marine mammal staff and volunteers!) we decided to try a novel treatment technique, first used with pinnipeds by the Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, CA, which involves injecting an antibiotic-impregnated gel into the conjunctiva (tissue around the eye).

The gel is injected into the conjunctiva. Photo by Stephany Lewis


To implement this technique, we sedated our patients using a combination of injectable sedatives and an inhalant anesthetic. Then we injected a small amount of a thermodynamic antibiotic-impregnated poloxamer gel into the animal’s conjunctiva—and it’s not an easy procedure: the conjunctiva is very thin and very close to the eyeball! The refrigerated injectable is a liquid; it gels once it reaches body temperature.

Over the following couple of weeks, the gel slowly releases the antibiotics onto the animal’s cornea, serving the same function as a daily application of topical antibiotics. Results were promising on all four animals treated, and we will likely apply this technique again in subsequent seasons.


A Second Wave of Sea Lions

By Mike Remski, Marine Program Manager

The CWC Marine Mammal Rehabilitation Facility has had an influx of Sea Lion patients over the past two weeks.  This may lead some to believe that the strandings have picked up again, since we have not taken in Sea Lions for a couple months.

Actually, Sea Lion strandings are fairly consistent throughout the first half of the year.  From January to June the (6-12 month-old) Sea Lions are venturing out on their own away from their mothers, and it is during this time that we see the weaker pups strand.

So why then have we not had any Sea Lions in our enclosure during March and April?  Although strandings have occurred, and rescues* have taken place, CWC staff transferred the rescued pups to MMCCLA [one of our stranding network partners] during these 2 months so that CWC could focus on the Elephant Seals which strand during that time specifically.  Now that we are almost done with the 2018 batch of Ellies, we were able to free up a little space to take on the stranding Sea Lions again.


*Stranding response is conducted under a Stranding Agreement between National Marine Fisheries Service and CWC issued under the authority of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. California Wildlife Center is the only organziation permitted to rescue stranded marine mammals in Malibu.

It’s Busy Season for Elephant Seals

Celebrating the Newly-Rebuilt Marine Mammal Enclosures

by Heather Henderson, Stranding Coordinator

Ribbon Cutting, Jennifer Brent (left), Shannen Doherty and “Zuma Jay” Wagner, Photo by Harry Vamos

On January 11, 2018 honored guests, staff, volunteers, and our first California sea lion pup patient of the season all gathered to officially unveil the new and improved marine mammal rehabilitation enclosures.

We were fortunate to be joined by longtime CWC supporters, actress Shannen Doherty and Malibu City Councilmember Jefferson “Zuma Jay” Wagner. The entire project was made possible with funds from the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Mike Remski, Marine Mammal Program Manager, shared CWC’s rehabilitation and response history and details about why this rebuild had become a necessity.

2018’s first sea lion patient, Photo by Heather Henderson

Highlights of the new enclosures include additional drainage with sloping floors, a loading dock that provides access to the vehicles, and enhanced slip-proof entrance stairs. Finally, a redesign of the filtration system will enhance water quality during the busy season. The structure is built above ground, creating the perfect space for a seascape mural, donated and painted by former volunteer and friend of CWC, Ann Jin Chiu.

Throughout the presentation, the first sea lion pup of the season propped herself in the center enclosure, eyes closed and head held high. This body posture is generally displayed by sea lion patients as their health improves, suggesting that they are responding to care, and it is always wonderful to observe. While she was aware of the activity occurring in front of the enclosure, watching her behave in a natural manner is also a delightful sight, since our goal is to nurture these wild instincts. It was a great reminder of why the enclosure is so sorely needed.

Looking Forward to the 2018 Marine Mammal Stranding Season – What can we expect?

By Heather Henderson, Marine Stranding Coordinator

Underweight northern elephant seal pup – tossing sand on the back is a normal behavior

California Wildlife Center responds to reports of stranded marine mammals 365 days a year.  Due to birthing cycles and species-specific behaviors, there is a certain predictability to the stranding pattern. We use this pattern to approximate supply and personnel needs.   Pinnipeds, such as seals and sea lions, are the primary patients we rescue and care throughout the year.   For our region, the busiest stranding months during a “normal” year are March through May, with a quick buildup and drop off at the beginning and end.  However, over the past half-decade, we have not experienced many normal years.

We look at many factors attempting to predict workload and intensity of stranding patterns as we prepare for the upcoming rehabilitation season.  We look at information from the rookeries where the animals are born and weather predictions to gain a glimpse into the future.

Underweight California sea lion pup – bones of spinal column visible

Population biologists head out to the breeding islands each fall to assess the health of the current season’s cohort.  They document an approximate number of births along with current body weight of pups and their overall condition.  Preliminary findings for California sea lion pups are reassuring, with weights reported to be approaching the healthy range and total number of births to be average.   Northern elephant seal pups have not been born yet.  They are born primarily in January and February, so we will receive their status update later.

Weather patterns have a profound effect on our pinniped populations and their likelihood of stranding.  Storms can flush young animals from the beach before they are ready to head out in to the ocean.  Warmer sea surface temperatures can shift food stocks (fish) farther off shore or into deeper waters. This presents challenges for young animals who are not able to dive as deep.  Foraging mothers need to travel further off shore to feed, leaving their pups for longer periods of time between nursing sessions.  Heavy rains increase coastal pollution through runoff, and can contribute to toxic algal blooms, leading to less safe ocean environment for all marine life, as well as humans.

Early weaned California sea lion pups will start to show up on our Malibu beaches in December.   Northern elephant pups will start to haul out on our beaches in March.  Please give them space to rest and call our rescue hotline (310) 458.9453   Thanks to the amazing team of marine mammal volunteers, and all who generously donate to California Wildlife Center, we enter the 2018 season ready to respond!

The Marine Mammal Department Plans for Big Changes

By Michael Remski, Marine Mammal Program Manager

Photo by Jennifer Brent
The step between pens makes moving animals difficult for staff and hard on the animals.

Looking ahead to our “off season,” (when there are few rescue calls and no animals are held on site) there are some exciting renovations planned for our marine mammal enclosure.  Since 2013, the existing structure has performed very well over its lifespan, allowing for five successful seasons of marine mammal rehabilitation.  183 patients (90 sea lions and 93 elephant seals) have called this enclosure their home for at least a short period of time.  And although that may not seem like very many animals, consider the fact that that equates to over nine tons of animals residing on a structure originally built to stand for only a single season.

We have asked a lot of our platform style enclosure, and although it has served us well, it is time to retire it, and start from scratch. Construction will take place as soon as our last patient leaves our doors for their ocean home sometime in late July of this year.

Although we will not be able to increase our overall footprint, we will be able to make some major improvements over the existing layout.  First and foremost, an enclosed hallway will be incorporated.  This will allow a safer way to enter and exit each pen, as well as provide a corridor for moving animals between pens or to and from the transport vehicles. A loading dock will be incorporated into the enclosure to facilitate moving animals on and off trucks during intakes and releases. Large, heavy deliveries can also make use of this loading dock.  All three pens within the enclosure will be on one level and have easy transition areas from one to the other, rather than having small barriers in between that get in the way of rolling carts or low profile animals (specifically elephant seals). Lastly, the entire enclosure will be on a steeper grade to accommodate better drainage, the floor topcoat will be a smooth PVC material, and the number of drains will be increased.  We are in the process of securing funding to off-set the costs of this necessary project.

As I look ahead, I cannot even attempt to predict what next year will bring to the shores of Malibu.  But whatever 2018 should bring our way, CWC will be ready. With our improved enclosure, amazing volunteers, and dedicated staff, I have no doubt it will be another great and successful year.

The Malibu Community – Key in the Rescue of Marine Mammals

Sea Lion 17-1 in care

Sea Lion 17-1 is gaining weight in care and doing well.
Photo by Alyssa Schlange

By Heather Henderson, Stranding Coordinator

During this past fall and winter, between rescues calls for marine mammals, California Wildlife Center also worked to improve enclosure space.  Walls were built around one entire pen, to keep the pups warm during the cold spring evenings, when temperatures drop below freezing.  All the planning was well worth it, as just days after the upgrades were completed, the phone rang with reports of a California Sea Lion in need of assistance.  CWC opened the doors to marine mammal rehabilitation earlier than ever before – January 1st.

Sea Lion 17-12

Sea Lion 17-12 was hiding behind some fencing.
Photo courtesy of Kathleen Fanning Lojkovic

There are many challenges associated with performing rescues along the beautiful Malibu coastline.  The first patient of the year was wedged far into a cave in the rocky cliffs.  This location, compounded by the shorter winter days, could have proved unsuccessful had it not been for the caring people in Malibu.

Most rescues are prompted by reports from the public, after sighting an animal in need of supportive or veterinary care.  The simple act of calling our hotline [310 458 9453 (WILD)] is an essential part of the rehabilitation!  Residents and visitors to the Malibu area often go further.  They send photos, provide GPS pins and even remain on site (at a safe distance of 50+ feet) until our rescue team arrives.  They guide us to the animal and let other concerned individuals know that the Marine Mammal Rescue Team is on the way.  These extra steps can be essential to the rescue process, as distressed California Sea Lions will strive to find shelter and can easily blend in with the rocky coastline.  Even when possible to locate without additional information, the photos and enhanced stranding details allow our team to better assess and prepare while en route to the site.  Once there, a more efficient rescue can mean removal from a potentially stressful environment and the ability to provide care sooner.

17-1 in cave

Sea Lion 17-1 was hiding in a cave. CWC staff might never have found it had it not been for help from the community.
Photo by Mira Sorvino

California Wildlife Center’s marine mammal program owes much of its success to the commitment of the people of Malibu for helping us to preserve this one part of what makes Malibu so special.

StrandCon 2016

Staff attends national conference for marine mammals

By Marine Program Manager Jeff Hallmarine-mammal-stranding-conference

CWC is permitted by NOAA Fisheries to perform all the exciting things that come with marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation. As a member of the West Coast Region Stranding Network, CWC staff attends regional and national conferences to collaborate with other organizations from across the US, learning tips and tricks, improving knowledge of protocols, and gaining insight into new and emerging problems affecting marine mammals.

For all the hours I have sat in conferences, listening to lectures, and watching PowerPoint presentations, one of the main problems that seems to be at the top of many scientists’ lists is marine debris. Marine debris is just like the litter you see on the side of the freeway, but in our oceans.  Most of the ocean’s marine debris comes from land-based sources like freeways.  Trash thrown out of cars or that flies out of the back of trucks is washed straight out to the ocean through storm drain systems. Marine debris has always been a personal issue for me because one of the first marine mammals I ever rescued as a volunteer at CWC was a Guadalupe fur seal entangled in a balloon ribbon.  Luckily, that fur seal was rescued and received the care it needed, but many animals are not so lucky.  Many marine animals ingest trash in the ocean and that can lead to a number of problems, including death due to starvation. The outlook is not all doom and gloom!  The main fact I took away from the National Stranding Network Conference is that there was a conference hall filled with over 200 of the smartest and most dedicated people, all working together to create a healthier environment for marine mammals.  In doing so, we are creating a better world for ourselves.

Green Sea Turtles Invade

CWC’s first ever rescue of a marine reptile

By Marine Program Manager Jeff Hall

A hook can be seen extending from the mouth of this rescued sea turtle. it was caught on a fisherman's pole, most likely after eating the bait on the hook, and reeled into shore. After the animal was rescued by the Marine Department, the hook was removed by staff at the Aquarium of the Pacific.

A hook can be seen extending from the mouth of this rescued sea turtle. it was caught on a fisherman’s pole, most likely after eating the bait on the hook, and reeled into shore. After the animal was rescued by the Marine Department, the hook was removed by staff at the Aquarium of the Pacific.  Photo by Colleen Weiler

Sea turtles are usually something you’d see if you were snorkeling in Hawaii, or maybe during a leisurely catamaran ride off the coast of southern Mexico. While there are populations of sea turtles off the coast of California, you’d have to look pretty hard to actually come across one. Or you could just look at the end of a fishing pole in Malibu.

A sea turtle rescued from rocks after being caught on a fisherman's pole.

A sea turtle rescued from rocks after being caught on a fisherman’s pole. Photo by Jeff Hall

Two green sea turtles were rescued by CWC’s Marine Department this summer; both were hooked on the end of a fisherman’s pole.  The first was rescued from Topanga Beach and the second was rescued from Malibu Pier.  In both cases, the fishermen were more than a little shocked when then hauled in something unexpected.  Both fishermen did the right thing and called CWC’s Emergency Hotline. Marine Program staff and volunteers headed out and rescued the hooked marine mammals. Both were transferred to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach for rehabilitation.  Once admitted, the Aquarium staff took X-rays and discovered that the turtle rescued from Topanga Beach not only had a hook lodged in its mouth, it had also swallowed three more that were in its intestines. Those hooks complicated the rehab process, but they actually passed on their own and did not require surgery.

Staff and volunteers from the Aquarium of the Pacific were on hand to release two green sea turtles rescued by California Wildlife Center's Marine Department. After short stays in rehabilitation at the aquarium, both turtles were returned to the wild after being given a clean bill of health. Photo courtesy of Aquarium of the Pacific

Staff and volunteers from the Aquarium of the Pacific were on hand to release two green sea turtles rescued by California Wildlife Center’s Marine Department. After short stays in rehabilitation at the aquarium, both turtles were returned to the wild after being given a clean bill of health. Photo courtesy of Aquarium of the Pacific

At the Aquarium of the Pacific, the turtle was X-rayed and more hooks were discovered.

At the Aquarium of the Pacific, the turtle was X-rayed and more hooks were discovered. Photo by Jeff Hall

During the rehabilitation process, the turtles were given a PIT tag, similar to what you would give to your pet dog or cat.  These tags contain unique identifying information about the turtles so that, in the future, if they are ever rescued or captured again, a more complete life history can be understood.  After the sea turtles spent some time in the Aquarium of the Pacific’s rehabilitation pool, they were brought out to sea and released, hopefully without a hunger to eat fish off of a fisherman’s lines!